Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Taxing It Won't Work

In California, they’re considering putting on a special tax on guns and ammunition. They don’t know that taxing it won’t work, either. Although it will bring millions of dollars into the California state coffers—which, I’m convinced, it their only purpose. None. Not a single one of their anti-gun laws has done a single thing to limit, or stop “gun violence,” so now they’’re going on a different, completely predictable direction. “If you can’t stop it, tax it.” Can anybody tell me how much effect a tax on LEGAL guns and ammunition will have on the purchase and use of ILLEGAL guns in California? Not a bit. And that’s predictable. They know it won’t, but they’re satisfied to use “gun violence” to put money in their pockets. And if you believe some of the money collected through this tax will not end up in then pockets of some of those ignorant politicians, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you. “Gun Violence,” like global warming/climate change has put a lot of money in the pockets of the swindlers promoting it. It’s all a scam to pick your pockets with taxes. (Heartland Institute)

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