Friday, March 15, 2019

Can't Talk About Guns

Isn’t this supposed to be a free country with a First Amendment to protect our right to speak about ANYTHING, and express ANY opinion, even if it is opposite to someone else’s? Apparently they don’t think so in New Jersey, where they’re trying to pass a law to stop anybody from talking about, writing about, or publishing anything relating to 3D printed guns. That sounds like a law they’d have passed in communist Russia! Not in the United States of America, which has the First Amendment. I find it hard to believe that legislators there are so arrogant that hey can blithely pass a law that is in complete contravention to the Constitution, to which ALL LAWS must conform. That’s the LAW. The Constitution is the very BASIS for ALL our laws, and it cannot be ignored in making ANY laws. The Second Amendment Foundation is suing New Jersey Attorney General Gurbig Gruwal to prevent this law from being made, and unless they come before an ultra-liberal judge, should win. Of course, Gruwal, a Sikh, is a Dumocrat, who probably doesn’t even understand our Constitution and the way we make laws. (World Net Daily)

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