Monday, March 25, 2019

Another "Get-Around"

If you can’t ban guns, just make them so expensive that only the very rich can afford them. That’s not an “infringement,” is it? WRONG! It IS an “infringement,” whether you admit it, or not. That’s how anti-gun fools get around the Second Amendment. Just call it something else, which gives them “plausible deniability.” They enforce their unconstitutional laws, saying they’re something other than what they ARE. The same is true of those laws applying confiscatory taxes on gun sales, or requiring impossible demands upon buyers or sellers. Each one is an “infringement” upon a clear constitutional right. “Safe storage” laws, likewise, are an infringement, because they make it impossible for the law-abiding to get their guns into action fast enough to deal with a criminal or other ILLEGALLY-armed troublemaker. As such, it makes those legally-owned guns USELESS, while no such enforceable restriction is on those ILLEGAL gun owners. (Truth About Guns)

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