Friday, March 29, 2019

Gun Rights Sanctuary

Liberals are declaring “sanctuary cities” all over the country where they are doing everything they can to derail the federal government’s efforts to stem the flow of ILLEGAL aliens. So now the State of Texas is trying to do something similar with anti-gun laws. They’re looking at a law to DE-FUND the federal attempts to reduce, or get rid of altogether, your constitutional right to be armed for self defense. “Sen. Bob Hall (R-Edgewood) filed Senate Bill 378 (SB378) on January 17. The bill would prohibit any state government agency, personnel or public funds from enforcing any federal gun control regulation or law ‘if the federal statute, order, rule, or regulation or international law imposes a prohibition, restriction, or other regulation, such as a capacity, size, or configuration limitation, that does not exist under the laws of this state’.” So if you want to have the state in which you live actually support your constitutional right to own and use a gun for self defense, move to Texas. Texas has always (for the most part) had the right attitude about self defense, and the Second Amendment, and they’re showing it, again. (The Free Thought Project)

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