Tuesday, March 26, 2019

"Children" At Age 18?

That’s what a Florida Atlantic University (FAU) "study" seems to think, anyway. I guess they couldn’t find enough real children affected by gunfire for their study, so they expanded their definition of “children” to include those up to 18 YO. I’d say including men who are members of street gangs and go about armed (illegally) shooting each other all the time, makes their figures look a lot worse than they really are. Most people, when they hear the word “children,” think of toddlers and other small people, not MEN AND WOMEN who are really ADULTS. This is how the anti-gun fools inflate their numbers, and is probably the BEST reason to doubt ALL their numbers. And this is just one way they inflate their numbers. They have many more. So whenever the anti-gun fools give you a number, take it with BIG “grain of salt.” It’s probably not true. In fact, it’s more LIKELY to be untrue. When you break down these FAU figures, you’ll find that almost 40,000 ADULTS old enough to vote (almost) were among them, skewing their figures a LOT. Making a LIE of their “study.” One of their conclusions is that more black “children” are killed, ignoring the fact that ages 15-18 is the prime age for gang involvement, meaning that the most of these “child deaths” and “deaths of black children” come from near adult gang members shooting each other. Which completely refutes their contention that “more black children are killed than white children” because most of those killed are gang members who kill each other, and are NOT children. (Breitbart)

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