Monday, March 25, 2019

They Can't Do It!

In Deerfield, Illinois (just outside of Chicago) they passed an ordinance banning assault weapons. Happy Days, for the anti-gun fools. Only one problem. They can’t dodat. It didn’t take long for a LOCAL judge to decide it was unconstitutional. A city cannot ban guns in the United States, no more than can the federal government. The Second Amendment prohibits it, and ANY law made MUST conform to the Constitution. They didn’t even need to go to the Supreme Court to get their ruling. It is so obvious, even a local justice of the peace could do it. John Boch, Executive Director of “Guns Save Lives,” said, “Deerfield’s senseless ban on popular firearms and magazines imposed a major burden on the right of law-abiding Illinois citizens to defend themselves but did nothing to disarm criminals,” That’s what ALL their anti-gun laws do. They make it more dangerous for the law-abiding while doing NOTHING to disarm law breakers. This was a typical example of anti-gun fools exceeding any little authority they may have, and it was rightly overturned by a savvy judge. (The Western Journal)

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