Friday, March 8, 2019

He's Clueless

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee says a “Democrat president could declare a ‘gun crime’ emergency and take your guns away. Apparently, this member of Congress doesn’t know the Second Amendment exists, and any president who tried would be stopped. that’s the major difference between what President Trump did, and a future Dumocrat president “taking away our guns” using the same thing. There is a specific law ALLOWING Trump to do what he did, than does NOT exist to allow a future president to “take away our guns” the same way. The Second Amendment gets in the way. Nancy Peelosi (Majority Leader in The House) feels the same way, and is just as clueless. This is the problem we have with ALL those who wish to get rid of our constitutional right to be armed for self defense. They think they can “get around it” by simply making a law. They can’t. ALL laws MUST conform to the Constitution, and ANY law limiting, or denying our right to be armed do NOT. (Washington Free Beacon)

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