Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Trevon Martin "Poster Child"

“MOMS Against Guns” (or something like that), are now using young thug and attempted murderer Trevon Martin as a “poster child” for anti-gun laws. They posted a Tweet saying that he was shot and killed “while walking home from a Florida convenience store.” Nothing is said about the fact that he ATTACKED the man who ultimately killed him while he was sitting on top of him, beating his head against a concrete sidewalk, trying to kill him. That’s how they do it. Take an “iffy” situation and bend the facts way out of shape to make a good headline to advance their false narrative. They did it here, and they did it in Missouri, where a huge young thug was trying to kill a police officer and got shot for his trouble. There, they promoted the “hands up, don’t shoot!” narrative, which was equally false and caused a riot and much damage, while ruining that cop’s life. And they’ve done it in too many places for me to mention here. (The War On Guns)

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