Thursday, March 21, 2019

Nobody Cares

“Snowflake Millennials” have come out with a list of the most major “stressors,” and gun control didn’t even make the list. Of course, some of those that did are slow Wi-FI, a broken cell phone screen, and getting zero “likes” on Facebook. Those are actually causing them to lose sleep. Did you find anything on there that really bothered you? Maybe the reason guns didn’t make the list is because those kids might be a little smarter than most anti-gun fools about anti-gun laws. Maybe they actually realize they don’t work, so they can’t be bothered to worry about it. It seems like anybody might be smarter than the anti-gun fools, who keep making them, in spite of the fact that they never work. Further, they CONTRIBUTE to “gun violence” by DISARMING the honest, law-abiding people who need to be protected. Of course, that gives the anti-gun fools a reason to keep their jobs, while “beating the dead horse” of gun control. It gives them something to do. (Study Finds)

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