Monday, March 4, 2019

Another Know-Nothing Speaks

Chelsea Clinton, who knows NOTHING about guns, comes out (again) in favor of gun control after the Aurora, Illinois shooting spree that killed five, and wounded four cops. Who the hell is Chelsea to make such comments and be taken seriously, anyway? Her only “qualification” to be heard is she is the misbegotten spawn of a former president (who was impeached for lying about his sexual escapades in the White House with a young, impressionable intern), and his unindicted felon wife. If America was smart, they would never take such ignorant people seriously. This bimbo knows even less than Alexandria Oasio-Cortez, and that’s saying a lot. Yet liberals, especially, take her seriously, and revere her ignorant words as if they were “The Gospel of Bill Clinton.” She’s nothing but the spoiled child of a scurrilous scoundrel who made millions of dollars in very suspicious circumstances, AFTER he was impeached, but not convicted by a Senate, where he know where the bodies were buried, and maybe even buried a few, himself. (Daily Caller)

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