Thursday, March 14, 2019

Forced Funding

Students at Concord University are being FORCED to fund ANTI-gun activities. They can’t avoid it, since moneys gained from assessing them “student fees” are the money that will be used to fund anti-gun gatherings. The president of the university is KNOWN to be against guns on campus and she not only made a speech about it, she allowed “student fees” (whatever that’s for) to be used to pay for students to protest a “campus carry” bill now up for a vote in the Tennessee legislature. The student government (funded by “student fees”) paid for buses to take those students who didn’t want to drive the 90 miles where they could protest the passage of the “campus carry” bill. They said “all opinions welcome,” even though they openly said their purpose was to DEFEAT the bill. “Campus Reform” reports that the Student Government Association sent an e-mail with a bogus headline: “EMERGENCY—GUNS ON CAMPUS,” and “begged students to attend the protest they were hosting.” The fallacy here, of course, is that potential mass shooters are not going to obey ANY laws they pass and, without guns already there in the hands of law-abiding students, teachers, and other staff, the students and others will be completely DEFENSELESS against them. (Legal Insurrection)

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