Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Today's Gun Save

Anti-gun fools say it never happens. They say concealed carriers are more likely to shoot themselves than anybody else. They say that the average person carrying a gun NEVER is able to stop violence from being committed. They're WRONG, as usual. And today's “gun save” proves it, yet again. In Denver, a gas station clerk shot a would-be robber who tried to rob him. The way the anti-gun fools think, they’ll probably try and punish that clerk for “having a gun at work,” but, as usual, it’s better to be judged by 12, rather than carried by 6. In another case, a grandmother shot a would-be home invader after he broke into their home and he accosted her husband. This needs to happen a lot more often than it does, even though it does happen more times than the anti-gun fools tell us it does. They think it never happens—at least, that’s what they tell us. (9 News Denver)

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