Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Concept is Wrong

The very basic concept in “gun control” that the way to self defense is to DISARM yourself is a “fool’s errand.” It is STUPID. But the anti-gun fools keep thinking that, if they can just take all the guns away from the law-abiding, that will stop the law-breakers from victimizing them with their illegal guns. Think about that: making yourself defenseless is the way to self defense. Tell that to an old-west gunslinger. They wouldn’t go anywhere without a gun on their hip, so some dumb kid wouldn’t be able to shoot them to make a name for himself. I see stories, every day, of law-abiding people who have managed to “get permission” from a nameless, faceless bureaucrat to exercise their constitutional right to be armed for self defense, shooting bad guys who want to victimize them. Actually, that’s the very best way to reduce gun crime—killing those with illegal guns who try and victimize the law-abiding. Reducing gun violence, one shooter at a time. If that happens more and more often, the bad guys will decide to go into other lines of work—maybe even HONEST work. Those who don’t will just die at the hands of the law-abiding people they try and victimize. Sen. Feinstein thinks now is the time to confiscate guns, in spite of the fact that is contrary to the Constitution. (Breitbart)

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