Friday, March 8, 2019

Gun Control Backfire

In Great Britain they passed laws that essentially DISARMED their entire population (except for the law breakers, of course). They thought that would result in fewer violent crimes. Of course, it didn’t. Law breakers still got their guns, and those criminals who couldn’t get guns illegally took to using knives with which to do their violent crimes, leading to what Britons call “the knife crime epidemic.” Of course, this was to be expected among people with intelligence, anyway. Apparently, the politicians in the UK don’t have enough intelligence to expect this kind of a result. Next, they will ban KNIVES, hoping THAT will work—and it won’t. Bad guys will still get their guns—and knives—and violent crime will continue, unabated. Why politicians everywhere don’t learn from experience, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because their purpose is NOT to “reduce gun crime,” but to make it impossible for the law-abiding to defend themselves from the attacks of the law breakers, who routinely IGNORE such laws. (Gun Free Zone)

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