Thursday, March 7, 2019

Bogus "Gun Research"

At one point, anti-gun fools in the liberal media “reported” that, “There is a shooting at hundreds of schools, almost one a week.” Which was a lie. NPR reporters looked into 235 “shootings reported by the U. S. Department of Education, and were able to confirm just 11 of them. They included fist fights on school grounds, shootings in nearby neighborhoods, and just distant gunshot-sounds as “instances of gun violence in schools.” This is how they arrived at their frightening figures. In some cases, they called it a “school shooting” when someone told someone at a school that he thought there had been a shooting somewhere. They say that the U. S. has more shootings than anywhere else, which it does not. That’s a myth perpetrated by University of Alabama associate professor Adam Lankford and repeated by anti-gun fools everywhere because they WANTED to believe it. Lankford claimed “complete data from 171 countries,” which was impossible, since there aren’t that many countries that KEEP such data. Not only did the USA NOT have the most frequent mass shootings, it was only 62nd on the list! Nancy Peelosi threatens us when she tells President Trump to be careful because a subsequent Dumocrat administration could declare “gun violence” to be a “national emergency” in the future. That’s the kind of thing Dumocrats do. CREATE an “emergency” so they can better control our lives. But the emergency on our southern border is real, whether or not the Dumocrats will ever admit it. (Daily Signal)

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