Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Moving the Goal Posts

Dumocrats always want to “move the goalposts” after they have been stymied by existing laws or institutions. They’re trying that now when they want to ELIMINATE the ICE organization, leaving the way wide open for illegal aliens, who are good at tearing down non-hardened fences, to just “take over.” Now they want to get rid of the Second Amendment, which is what stands in the way of, not only the criminal population, but also those criminals wearing badges. The Hawaii Senate is trying just that: “The Hawaii Senate introduced a measure petitioning the US Congress to modify or repeal the Second Amendment so it is amended or removed. They really think there is a possibility they can be successful. Reality says if their measure succeeds, it will cause the “Second American Revolution” because Americans will never stand for it. That, and the First Amendment is our “wall” against the “Tories” (liberals) who want to destroy this country. (Gun-Free Zone)

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