Thursday, March 14, 2019

They Want Dumber Voters

Oregon can’t get enough voters to agree with their anti-gun fool policies, so now they want to reduce the voting age to 16 to get more ignorant voters. This is not a slam to those 16 years of age, it’s just a realization of reality, that kids that have only been ALIVE for 16 years haven’t learned enough to really know what’s going on. I know at 16 I didn’t, and I can tell you honestly that others at 16 aren’t fully aware of all the important things—such as NO gun control laws have EVER done anything to limit, or stop “gun crime,” so why vote in even more of them? So those voters that are only 16 DON’T KNOW those laws do nothing, and more easily fall for the “brainwashing” that we MUST HAVE more gun control, and will vote that way, in their ignorance of the facts. This is how Dumocrats work, and anti-gun fools tend to be Dumocrats. It’s their thing. And they like to “move the goalposts” when they meet too much opposition. That’s what promoting voting for those 16 years of age is all about. Moving the goal posts. Another way they’re trying to move the goal posts is to eliminate the time-honored “Electoral College” method of electing presidents to make it easier for them to steal elections. (Bearing Arms)

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