Friday, October 31, 2014

Misstating Facts

Liberals like to tell you that a majority of Americans want more gun control. That’s a LIE. According to a Gallup poll, less than half of Americans favor more gun control. And those that do wouldn’t, if they realized that the KIND of “gun control” laws made today made for MORE gun violence. All they do is take guns away from honest people so they will be “easy targets” of criminals, who never have any trouble getting their guns out of the trunks of cars in a back alley somewhere. The one factor their laws never address is the fact that CRIMINALS do not OBEY laws. So no amount or “law-making” will reduce the number of guns in the hands of criminals—only those of the law-abiding. Maybe, one of these days, people will “tumble” to that simple fact. But I’m not holding my breath. Turning blue doesn’t appeal to me. The fact is, the “gun-grabbers” just aren’t that smart. (Gallup Polls)

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