Thursday, October 30, 2014

Outlawing TOY Guns

This shows how completely STUPID politicians can be. In New Jersey, they’re trying to outlaw TOY guns. That’s right; TOY guns! The new ordinance proposed will ban all “imitation” guns except non-firing antique guns and “prop guns” used in movies or TV. Which will take away ALL toy guns from kids. I guess they think kids using toy guns like real ones are a real problem in Atlantic City. Today’s politicians are getting more and more stupid by the day. Anybody who votes for this ordinance should be strung up by the gonads (if any) and hung, upside down, in the public square for abysmal STUPIDITY, What do they FEED New Jersey politicians to cause them to do something this monumentally STUPID? Are they taking regular stupid pills? Damn! (Guns ‘n’ Freedom)

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