Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Exceeding Their Athority

The cops in Watervliet, NY (where else?) want to know your Facebook password before they issue you a “carry permit.” It really amazes me how some jurisdictions think the Constitution does not apply to them, and they can do what they want, regardless. They make stupid laws, and do stupid things under CURRENT laws, apparently serenely unaware they are breaking the law, themselves. Whatever made them think they could demand this, I don’t know, unless it is the “stupid pills” they’re taking every day. Apparently, they don’t give a damn that it is unconstitutional, since the chief of police there, one Ron Boisvert, replied, “It is what it is,” when told the demand was unconstitutional. And the cops are not alone in this. Way too many potential employers are likewise demanding access to applicants’ Facebook accounts and passwords as a condition of employment. For my part, that would be a “deal breaker” and would cause me to walk out without a word. (Prison Planet)

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