Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Gun-Grabbers Illogical

“Mr. Spock,” in “Star Wars,” was criticized for being “too logical” But you CAN’T be “too logical.” Logic is logic, and the things advised by the gun-grabbers are illogical. They don’t care about logic. They just want to take away our guns. They do recognize that when attacked, you need SOME kind of a weapon, such as a heavy ashtray, a big book, or a rock. But Heaven forbid you have your own gun! We all know Islamic terrorists are making many gains, every day, mostly due to the feeble efforts our “president” is taking to “stop” them. And as long as that continues, Islamic terrorists are a “clear and present danger” to every American, wherever he/she may be. So why should we be disarmed? In Israel, EVERYBODY is considered to be part of the Israeli Army and is thus required to have, and carry a gun at all times.

One of my favorite scenes is one I saw a few years ago, of an Israeli woman, standing over an Islamic militant, pumping bullets into his brain. That should be possible here. When terrorists come here and try to kill us, THEY should die. That can’t happen if we’re not allowed to have and carry the BEST tool for self-defense, a gun. We can’t be defenseless when those low-lifes come here to do their dirty work. You can BET they will be armed, usually ILLEGALLY. Gun-grabbers call us paranoid for wishing to be able to defend ourselves. But it’s not paranoia if people really do want to kill you. And way too many criminals want to do so, and they have guns. And now we have the added threat of Islamic terrorists flooding through Obama’s “wide open borders.” (Liberty Chat)

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