Monday, October 6, 2014

Throwing Customers to the Wolves

I will not be eating at Pandera Bread any time in the future. That’s because they have just sent a message to every illegal gun owning criminal in the world: “We will not have any guns here. Come on in and shoot us up.” What’s happening all over America? Are they passing out stupid pills. or what? Why can’t otherwise intelligent people get it through their thick skulls that telling criminals nobody will be armed in a certain place is an open INVITATION for them to come there with their guns and do violence on unarmed people? I’ve said this over and over and they are NOT listening. Stories of thugs shooting people in “gun-free zones” are becoming an everyday occurrence. Why can’t people see this? Probably not until way too many people who THOUGHT they were safe are dead of “gun-free zone” gunshot wounds. I hope, someday, people will “wise up,” but I don’t think it’ll happen in my lifetime. I think stupid pills are the “drug of choice” for too many people. (Right to Bear)

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