Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Didn't We Know That?

A recent study shows, surprise, surprise, criminals don’t obey laws. A new study led by Dr. Phillip Cook, of Duke University, accidentally found that, again surprise, surprise, a majority of people in prison on gun charges got their guns illegally, because most of them were prohibited from legally owning guns because they were felons. But they got them, anyway. Why is that not a surprise? Gun control laws do not stop people who are determined to use their guns to victimize others from getting their guns. The black market in guns is actually bigger than the legal gun trade, which included gun sales to police and other government agencies. The anti-gun fools who keep making those useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws have to know that. Which leads me to be;ieve they have ulterior motives in pushing those laws. It has become obvious to me that the politicians who pass these laws mean to oppress the law-abiding, and they know they can’t do it effectively if there’s a gun behind every blade of grass,” as the Japanese knew in WWII, which is why they didn’t attack the American mainland. Any would-be dictator knows they have to first disarm the people, and many of the Dumocrats now running for president have revealed dictator wishes. (Daily Caller)

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