Monday, July 1, 2019

It IS A Right, Dummy!

"Ask Amy" author Amy Dickenson says, “The gun lobby is gas lighting Americans to think owning guns is a right.” What a dunce this bimbo is! Owning and using guns IS A RIGHT! One guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, which is the very BASIS for all our laws. When she says otherwise, she is displaying her amazing IGNORANCE on a subject on which she PRETENDS to be an expert. This is how anti-gun fools work. They put things into the national consciousness that are not true, repeat them over and over, hoping people will come to believe them because they have been repeated so often. The Second Amendment to the Constitution says very clearly, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” It can’t be any clearer than that. But ignorant people like Amy seem unable to read—or don’t bother to do any research before opening their blowholes. I hear outrageous lies like this every day, and they are refuted as soon as they are uttered, by facts. But that doesn’t stop anti-gun fools from repeating them. They aren’t smart enough. (Just common sense)

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