Tuesday, July 30, 2019

"When I Am President"

“I will ban all ‘non-smart guns” and high-capacity clips.” One small problem: the Constitution doesn’t permit ANY politician from doing anything like that. The Second Amendment reads, “...the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.” Each and every law these Dumocrats propose IS an “infringement” on that right. Eric Swalwell says that the government can “nuke” those who refuse to give up their guns. There is yet another hitch in the gitalong of these fools: none of them have a “snowball’s chance in hell” of ever becoming president, thank God. These fools think they can “get around” the Constitution simply by renaming their measures. They cannot. A law that inhibits the “right to bear arms” in any way, is unconstitutional. For instance, they think they can make the guns in existence useless by making ammunition hard to get. But that is, in itself, an “abridgment” on the right to “bear arms.” They say it’s not. It IS. If these laws had any possible chance of limiting “gun crime” without infringing on our right to “bear arms,” I might be right there with them. But they do NOT, None of them do. All thy do is get the law-abiding killed, by those who just IGNORE their laws and get their guns ILLEGALLY. Apparently, they’re too STUPID to understand that, so I won’t be joining them very soon. (Truth About Guns)

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