Thursday, July 25, 2019

"Smart Guns to End Gun Violence?"

All Dumocrat presidential candidates seem to be anti-gun fools, and former VP Joe Biden is no different. A theme also running through the many, many Dumocrat candidates, is the stupidity reflected in their pronouncements. Joe’s latest is that he feels that “smart guns” could end gun violence. Anti-gun fools have made similar claims often, and none of their “solutions” to “gun violence” have ever stopped a single shooting. What he fails to understand is that gang violence was not caused by the existence of guns, and even the complete disappearance of all guns (an impossibility) would stop gang violence. They’d go at each other with knives, clubs, and even fists if there were no guns. Also unmentioned is the fact that ALL the guns used by gang members (most of whom are too young to own a gun, anyway) are illegally owned, and no anti-gun law will ever stop that. It’s like Joe’s earlier crack about firing a shotgun through a door when somebody he thinks he doesn’t know is trying to get in. That this might result in the killing of a wife or son who forgot their key is not mentioned. (Truth About Guns)

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