Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Typical Gun-Grabber Lie

“A good guy with a gun is a fantasy.” That’s what the anti-gun fools tell us. Except that fantasy happens millions of times a year, for real, in the USA alone. The anti-gun fools just can’t understand how telling such an easily refuted lie makes everything they say doubtful. They tell such lies all the time. Like “Anti-gun laws save lives.” They do NOT, and that’s another easily-debunked lie. But they aren’t smart enough to realize how destructive to their purpose telling these lies are. They “tweak” numbers in “surveys” to suit themselves, and put out lies, hoping to convince people of things that do not exist. They use completely fabricated numbers in many ways. The whole problem is, their entire purpose is to violate a cherished constitutional guarantee in the Second Amendment. And their entire program is based on a false notion; that you can stop gun crime by making a law against owning and carrying a gun. That criminals and other miscreants will somehow OBEY such a law when they obey no others. that’s why we call them criminals. Their laws do NOTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” and they deny that, while making even more of them. I get very tired of writing these same words over and over again, and being ignored. But these fools are never going to go away, so we have to show them for the fools they are. (Just common sense)

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