Friday, July 19, 2019

Only the Law-Abiding

The futility of the anti-gun laws is stunning. They tell us they are “concerned with gun safety” when all they want to do is get rid of all the guns in existence, an impossible task. There are millions of illegally-owned guns out there, and more coming, every day. Their laws only apply to the law-abiding, who mostly are NOT the problem. Lawbreakers ARE, and the laws only touch them when they get caught. What the hell good are laws that only apply to the law-abiding? It is the lawbreakers they want to stop being able to get guns, and that will never happen. There is too much money to be made in black market gun sales, which are happening every day, right under their noses. All their laws do is make things worse by disarming the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for those using ILLEGAL guns. Criminals freely tell us they FAVOR anti-gun laws because they give them more easy targets for their crimes. One of the worst of the anti-gun laws are those ubiquitous “gun-free zones,” which are an “engraved invitation” to criminals because they can usually depend on the law-abiding to be unarmed, there. ALL mass shootings have happened IN gun-free zones. (War On Guns)

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