Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Watch Out, Robber!

A would-be robber tried to rob a woman at an ATM, but didn’t think about that guy waiting nearby, who pumped a few bullets in him. Tip to would-be robbers. Watch out for that guy nearby. He may be your victim’s boyfriend, and he might be armed. Or maybe you shouldn’t rob anybody, at all. Unless you LIKE bullet holes in your body. The robber thought she was alone, and “easy pickings.” WRONG! Her boyfriend was waiting in the car nearby. He saw what was happening and shot the guy several times. The robber fled and was found a mile away by the cops, who responded quickly. He didn’t die, but he is facing a long recovery, followed by a long prison term. Maybe that will change his mind about being an armed robber. Probably not. Armed robbers aren’t the smartest of people. However, this shows again the only way to stop people like this, by allowing the law-abiding to be armed and able to defend themselves against people like this who think they can just TAKE what isn’t theirs. (KWTX 10)

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