Friday, July 12, 2019

They Have No Answers

The anti-gun fools haven’t the foggiest notion what to do about “gun crime,” so they go after the “low-hanging fruit,” and blame the gun, making law after law that does nothing except guarantee the holders of ILLEGAL guns more unarmed victims to victimize. You ask them if they have any other answers beyond gun confiscation and they immediately start calling you names, since that is a question they can’t answer. They won’t hear of the obvious answer, to allow the law-abiding to have their own guns so they can defend themselves against the millions of illegal guns already out there in the hands of people who wish to victimize them. They have to know that taking away your guns just makes things worse, but they can’t come up with a logical answer so they just keep making them while “Gun crime” continues, unabated. Julian Castro, one of the many Dumocrat presidential candidates, has made gun confiscation an integral part of his platform, notwithstanding the fact that gun ownership is GUARANTEED by the Constitution that is the basis for ALL our laws. Most of the Dumocrats have similar platforms, and if we elect any of them, it’s our own fault when cops appear on our doorstep demanding we “turn over our guns.” (America’s First Freedom)

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