Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Whatever They Call It

Eric Swalwell, that officious Dumocrat congressman who wants to take away all your guns and leave you defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there wants to impose a “voluntary buyback” of guns. A contradiction in terms if I ever heard one. The Constitution prohibits ANY “abridgment” of the right of every American to be armed. And a MANDATORY “buyback” he calls “voluntary” is just such an abridgment, and Dana Loesch says, “No matter what you call it, it is confiscation.” And she’s right. Swalwell, a Dumocrat, of course, is they guy who told us that since the government “had nukes,” they could take our guns if they wanted. Yes, of course. They could use fearsome weapons to take away our “fearsome weapons.” He also says we have no right to own an AR-15 or any gun like it. Thar’s even though the bad guys have them, which means we need to have them to “have parity” with them. Swalwell is one of those fools who want to make every American defenseless against the millions of illegal guns, including AR-15s and other guns like them that are already out there in the hands of those who would do us harm. (Breitbart)

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