Monday, July 29, 2019

What Don't They Understand?

What is it about “not working” do the anti-gun fools not understand? They’ve been blaming an inanimate object, a gun, for “gun crime,” for years, completely ignoring the fact that without the hand of a criminal holding it, it can do NOTHING to victimize people. They have to know that not a single one of their anti-gun laws have EVER done anything to stop, or even slow down, “gun crime,” but they continue to have new ones made. Are they stupid, or what? All they do is make it easier for criminals to victimize the law-abiding, who OBEY their stupid laws, even though they know they’re stupid. One of the worst of their laws, yet one of the most popular, is the “gun-free zone.” They ignore the fact that the gun-free one is the absolute most popular of places for a mass killer to kill a bunch of people. All schools are gun-free zones, and it seems like, every day, we hear about yet another school shooting, where a bunch of CHILDREN and a few school staff get murdered. When are these fools going to wake up and realize their laws do noting but get the law-abiding KILLED, by people who just IGNORE their laws? (Just common sense)

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