Friday, July 26, 2019

Whatever They're Backing

It doesn’t matter what kind of a gun was used in the latest mass shooting, or if NO GUN was used, the anti-gun politicians will come out, before the echoes of the gunfire has even receded, and say that whatever they are promoting will solve the problem. They just can’t, or WON’T understand that NONE of their anti-gun laws will stop a single shooter from killing people. Yes, maybe they can see that the shooter is punished, AFTER he has killed those people—sometimes. That’s if the shooter was not killed by the cops with THEIR guns. It seems that the only answer—sometimes--to a mass shooting is guns, in the hands of the cops, that can eventually stop a mass shooter from killing any MORE people than he already has while they were waiting for the cops to arrive. But that does nothing for those already killed and injured. People who were rendered DEFENSELESS by their anti-gun laws. Those stupid politicians will not even entertain the only real solution, allowing more people to be able to have their own guns, so they can respond IMMEDIATELY to the shooter and maybe—just MAYBE—save some lives. I get very tired of repeating myself as I continue to point this out, but I will continue as long as politicians continue to make their stupid anti-gun laws. (Bearing Arms)

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