Friday, July 26, 2019

Pursuing A Fantasy

Gabby Giffords was shot in the head and survived. Six others at that time and place did not, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl. The shooter was a felon and thus not allowed to have a gun. But he did, and he killed many people in his abortive effort to assassinate Giffords. What anti-gun law would have stopped these killings? None of them. But Giffords has spent much of the rest of her life trying to get more of them passed, mostly unsuccessfully because most lawmakers (who are not Dumocrats) realize there is NO LAW they could pass that would have any effect. Therefore, they resist passing more laws that put people like her, that judge, and that child in deadly danger by disarming them. Her entire life after being shot is a fantasy, thinking she can get laws passed to stop such shootings, and her efforts have been largely futile. There are many like her, mostly Dumocrats, who believe the fantasy that they can make a law that will stop such shootings, and they con lots of money out of other gullible people to finance their abortive efforts. They say they are “concerned with pubic safety,” but they’re not. They are concerned with gaining the power to tell you what you can, and cannot do. (Wikipedia)

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