Thursday, July 11, 2019

Gun Control Really Works!

NOT! Chicago, which has in place most, if not all of the anti-gun laws in existence, is a “mecca of safety.” Er… wait a minute. Didn’t 6 people die of gunshot wounds, while a total of 66 were shot during the July 4 weekend? That kinda proves gun control DOESN’T work, doesn’t it? Maybe the anti-gun crowd should change something about the way they go about trying to make life safer for the law-abiding, maybe? Like allowing responsible, law-abiding people to be armed for self defense, thus giving them “parity” with the millions of law BREAKERS who ignore all those “great” anti-gun laws? Stories of many gun deaths and many more woundings in Chicago are rife. They aren’t even novel any more. In any given weekend, gun injuries are in the double, sometimes triple figures, while many of them die from their wounds—in a city where the anti-gun laws are some of the tightest in the land. You’d think the anti-gun fools would get it through their thick skulls that none of their anti-gun laws do a thing to limit, or stop “gun crime” and start doing something else, like allowing the law-abiding be armed so they can shoot back when a thug starts shooting at them. Yes, that MIGHT create a “wild West atmosphere”--for a while, but we would soon run out of thugs with their illegal guns after they’re all killed—and that would definitely solve the problem, wouldn’t it?. (Daily Caller)

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