Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Polling Place Gun Bans

Missoula, Montana had a problem: most of the polling places were at schools, which are already “gun-free zones.” So no guns can be brought there by law. But not all polling places were in schools, so people could bring their guns there. So they made a law banning guns in ALL polling places. Problem solved. Or is it? What about those who contemplate mass murder, and so aren’t concerned about violating a silly little law telling them they can’t bring their guns? Politicians are so naive. They think that, all they have to do is make a law, and that “solves the problem.” Often it doesn’t. This is one place where it does NOT. West Palm Beach, Florida even went so far as to post a sign saying “Designated No Crime Zone,” and they figured that would take care of the crime problem. It did NOT. Criminals continued to commit crimes. Crimes that were already against the law. Laws they routinely IGNORE. Just as they will ignore ANY law that says they cannot bring their guns into a certain area. (American Military News)

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