Friday, October 19, 2018

Anti-Gun Fool Babbling

They don’t have much. They try to limit, or get rid of LEGAL guns when they KNOW that ownership and use of guns for self defense is GUARANTEED in the Constitution, which is the very BASIS for ALL our laws. Every law made MUST conform to it, and that makes their laws unconstitutional. So now they’re in a panic, seeing their fondest dreams wash “down the sewer.” Now they’re taking action against ANY depiction of a gun, anywhere. In Maine, a student posted a PICTURE of a gun on SNAPCHAT, and was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct for posting that picture. Never mind that, in itself, is a violation of the Constitution’s First Amendment. They don’t care about that. They know it will take a while to accomplish a reversal of their action while that student has to suffer from their action in the meantime. They know they will eventually be reversed, after somebody spends a lot of time and money to get the case before the Supreme Court. But they also know their actions will “send a message” to other pro-gun people that they will make trouble for themselves if they let people know about their wishes. The Founders made a big mistake when they prescribed NO PUNISHMENT for violating the Constitution, except for those laws that do so being reversed. (ABC 7)

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