Thursday, October 18, 2018

Are They Insane?

Sometimes I wonder about the sanity of some high-ranking corporate executives who align themselves with people they know are disliked by all INTELLIGENT Americans. Dick’s sporting Goods, for instance, who infamously stopped selling guns, and even after losing millions of dollars by so doing, “doubled down” on that by announcing they’re stopping selling hunting gear in a number of stores. Then there’s Nike, that “gave the middle finger to America” by paying Colin Kaepernick a lot of money to headline their new “Just Do It” ad campaign. They have already lost millions of dollars in the first few days since they announced the ad, but they still persist, insisting that they will run the ad on the NFL Opening Day. How STUPID is this? Those executives who made those decisions should be dropped from the company and, if they’re on the board, voted out. And these two are not the only corporations headed by dunces who let their politics overload their butts and cost their companies millions of dollars. Unless the boards of those companies are peopled with a bunch of people just s stupid, they will soon be removed, before they can do their companies any more damage, while hoping the damage they have already done is not terminal. And if they are, they will soon “go down the tubes.” (Keep and Bear)

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