Tuesday, October 23, 2018

"Doesn't Stop Gun Violence"

David Harsanyi, author of “First Freedom,” says he can find no evidence that anti-gun laws stop, or even slow down gun violence. That’s a fact that will be routinely ignored by anti-gun fools, nationwide, because it interferes with their narrative that anti-gun laws DO stop gun crime. Just one problem there. That’s a lie. Anti-gun laws only apply to the law-abiding, who are not the problem. They do not apply to the lawbreakers, who routinely IGNORE those laws and just get their guns in a back alley somewhere, out of the car trunk of another criminal—or they just STEAL them from the law-abiding. If the anti-gun fools would just come up with a law that DOES work to reduce gun crime, I’d be right there with them, promoting it. But that’s a forlorn hope, because they never will. The REAL solution is to allow the law-abiding to be armed, so they could defend themselves against those lawbreakers. But you’ll never convince the anti-gun fools of that, because they think a gun in the hand of ANYBODY is a danger to society, and should be banned. (Truth About Guns)

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