Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Another Mass Shooting

This time in Cincinnati. A shooter started shooting at innocent people on the loading dock of a bank, and the cops got there quick, for a change, and killed him before he could kill any more people. Of course, this again points up the fact that, if there was somebody there with a legal gun and the will to use it, that person could have stopped him before he could have killed three, and wounded two others. The article linked here said the result could have been worse, but for the quick response of the cops. What it doesn’t say is that an armed citizen already there could have made the result a lot better. The article also says nothing about whether or not the shooter got his guns legally or illegally, but they usually don’t. I’m not going to go on and on about having legally armed citizens in places like that as a deterrent, because I’m really getting tired of saying that over and over, and being ignored by legislators while they make their useless anti-gun laws that never work (Fox News)

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