Tuesday, October 16, 2018

It's Not "Common Sense"

The Anti-gun fools like to refer to their useless laws that do NOTHING to reduce gun violence as “common sense gun laws.” But they are anything BUT “common sense.” They just don’t work, because they don’t take into account the number of ILLEGAL GUNS there are already in circulation. We’re talking MILLIONS of illegal guns out there in the hands of those who would victimize the rest of us. All their “common sense laws” do is DISARM the honest, law-abiding people who OBEY laws, making them “easy targets” for those who obey NO LAWS. They have to be aware of that, but they keep on making them, while people die in their “gun-free zones” where law-abiding people are not armed, while the bad guys ARE. They trot out victims of mass shootings like loudmouth teenager David Hogg, treating them like some kind of experts, while all they actually are, are VICTIMS of gun violence that usually occur INSIDE one of their highly touted “gun-free zones.” Chicago, which has some of the toughest anti-gun laws anywhere, also has the highest criminal use of guns anywhere. And they want to make even more of those useless laws that only make it LOOK like they’re “doing something.” They’re NOT. You know it. I know it, THEY know it, but that makes no difference. (The Herald)

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