Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Doing It the Wrong Way

“Gun crime” is out of control. So the anti-gun fools keep making laws that do NOTHING to stop, or even slow down gun crime. To the contrary: they make it worse by DISARMING the law-abiding, while the law breakers go right on buying their guns ILLEGALLY, or just stealing them. Researchers put out all kinds of figures they want us to think back up their stories. But there is one glaring error in those figures. None of them take into consideration the LEGALITY of the ownership of the guns used in victimizing the law-abiding. Nobody seems interested in whether the guns used in crime are legally owned, or not. It is never mentioned, while the real fact is, just about ALL the guns used in crime are illegally in the hands of the users. But this goes unreported, while the anti-gun fools ASSUME that all guns used in crime are legally owned. But they are NOT. They make laws, hoping law breakers will somehow OBEY their laws, when they obey no others. This is a fatal flaw in not only their thinking, but their actions, as well. To really reduce gun crime, they need to find out WHY there is so much of it, and where it occurs. Most of it happens in the areas controlled by street gangs, who shoot each other for being in the wrong place. On the “turf” of a different gang. They all carry ILLEGAL guns, and shoot each other at the drop of a hat. And sometimes they drop the hat. Chicago is one of the worst examples of this. Chicago has some of the tightest “gun laws” in the nation, while at the same time one of the highest rates of “gun crime” in the nation. Proof again, that their laws do not work. (Just common sense)

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