Friday, October 12, 2018

"What Don't You Get?"

I have to ask, every day, of anti-gun fools in government, and those anti-gun fools out of government who spend all their time and a lot of Bloomberg’s money trying to “get around” the Second Amendment, this question: “What part of ‘The right of all Americans to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged’ do you not understand?” Anti-gun fools MUST be stupid. They KNOW the Second Amendment PROHIBITS the making of ANY LAW that “abridges” the right to be armed, but they insist on making more and more of them, every day. That’s while the ones they have already made FAIL to do anything about the “gun crime” problem, because the “bad guys” simply IGNORE them and get their guns ILLEGALLY, either by buying them from other criminals in a back alley somewhere, or just stealing them. It is a rare thing when a LEGAL gun owner does something illegal with his gun, or guns. Meanwhile, they keep adding to the list of “gun-free zones” that do NOTHING to stop, or even slow down gun violence, anywhere. In fact, every singe mass shooting has occurred IN a “gun-free zone.” Criminals freely tell us that they SEEK OUT gun-free zones, in which to do their “dirty work.” So what the hell GOOD are they? They just add to the problem. (Liberty Park Press)

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