Monday, October 15, 2018

Too Big for His Britches

Would you believe teenage anti-gun fool bigmouth David Hogg (well named, there) is raising money to put a billboard quoting Trump’s earlier comments against Sen. Ted Cruz when Cruz was running against him for president? He really thinks (and so do his Dumocrat “controllers”) that will have an effect on what Trump is trying to do. His grossly expanded head tells him so. He (and they) forget that, in politics, previous statements made in the “heat of battle” (so to speak) of an election are NEVER held against a candidate later. Of course, with all the irrational Trump hatred out there, it just might work this time, but I doubt it. The people who support Trump are intelligent enough to discount such peripheral issues. (If you don’t know what “peripheral” means, you must be a Dumocrat) Cruz has enough political clout on his own, that he doesn’t really need Trump’s support, although I’m sure he welcomes it. Furthermore, maybe Trump figured he wasn’t a good presidential candidate, but wants him for a senator. (Breitbart)

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