Monday, October 8, 2018

More Stupid Gun Laws

Billionaire anti-gun fool Michael Bloomberg has spent $MILLIONS to take away our right to be armed, so we can DEFEND against such people like the fool who shot up a “gamer’s gathering” in Jacksonville, Florida. Within MINUTES of the news of the hooting, Shannon Watts, boss of the Blooberg-paid for anti-gun fool organization, “MOMS Demand Action” on gun control, LEAPED into action, demanding more of those USELESS gun laws that do NOTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime.” As this is written, it is STILL not known whether or not the shooter got his gun legally, or illegally. She was campaigning at the same time the cops were searching the building for survivors. She says “Lobbyists pay politicians for their inaction,” completely ignoring the unarguable fact that NONE of the laws she has caused to be passed in the past have done ANYTHING except make it easier for the holders of ILLEGAL GUNS to victimize those of us who OBEY her stupid, silly laws. When we ask about the INEFFECTIVENESS of her laws, she never answers, she just starts calling us names, as do most liberals, so she won’t have to try to actually answer our questions factually, because she HAS no answers. (Breitbart)

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