Thursday, October 18, 2018

Too Many Stupid People

Gun control is stupid. That’s evident in the fact that not a single one of those highly-touted “gun laws” do ANYTHING to limit the sale and use of guns to those who shouldn’t be allowed near a gun. But they keep making them, in the face of the fact they they not only do nothing to limit gun use by “bad guys,” they make it EASIER for the bad guys to victimize those of us who OBEY their stupid gun laws, whether we like them, or not. “Gun-free zones,” for instance. Each and EVERY “mass shooting” has occurred IN a “gun-free zone.” Stories of robberies and murders happening in gun-free zones are numerous. Criminals freely admit that they SEEK OUT gun-free zones because they can be pretty sure none of the law-abiding people there will be armed, and able to oppose them on an equal basis. Background checks might be a good thing...IF criminals ever stood for them. They don’t, for the most part. They either buy their guns from other criminals in a back alley somewhere, or they just STEAL them. Safe storage of guns simply makes it impossible for the law-abiding to get their gun into action fast enough to oppose a criminal, who already has his illegal gun in his hand, ready to use. Every other anti-gun law is just as “short-sighted,” in that none of them work. Politicians who think all you have to do is make a law against guns to eliminate “gun crime,” are STUPID. But like that “Whack-A-Mole” game, new ones keep popping up, every time we do away with one. (Just common sense)

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