Monday, October 22, 2018

Happened Just In Time

Why don’t the people “who count” notice the unalterable fact that those “mass migrant movements” are happening just before the midterm elections? Why don’t they ask, “Who is paying all the bills for these people?” The cost of food, water, lodging, and transportation? Who ORGANIZED them? This kind of thing: thousands of people suddenly deciding to “Storm the borders” of the United States.” all at once? It’s an election time CON, designed to make Republicans look bad. It is so obviously a Dumocrat election scam, they have to be able to recognize it. Why don’t they? Why do they leave it up to the president to call it what it is? Is it because they are complicit? Or because they are just incompetent? I often wonder about this, in many Dumocrat scams, that are treated as normal and logical occurrences that should be treated as such. It is this ignoring of the obvious that allows those Dumocrat scams to be sometimes successful, as those “sexual impropriety” accusations sometimes are—without any kind of proof, as usual. (The Patriot Post)

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