Wednesday, October 17, 2018

L. A.'s "Yellow Badge Law"

In Nazi Germany, “authorities” required Jews to wear the “Star of David” so they could be “easily identified.” Wearing it became a death sentence for six million Jews. Now the Los Angeles City Council wants those with ties to the NRA to “disclose their connection to the NRA” so they can be “identified.” That also means they can be banned (under the table) from receiving city contracts, or required to obey rules not forced upon those without such a connection. And maybe later targeted for gun confiscation. The law’s pusher says, “We must pass this because the NRA is the biggest roadblock to more gun legislation.” As if that makes them criminal, to be banned by law for opposing their stupid, unconstitutional laws. Who knows what’s in the minds of some politicians? They do nothing to make it harder on criminals who use ILLEGAL guns to victimize the law-abiding, and even routinely drop gun charges to get confessions to other crimes. One of the most effective laws is to give criminals longer sentences if they use a gun in their crime. And dropping those gun charges make that moot. Cops say they can solve more crimes that way. But I call that “sloppy police work.” They also mostly routinely oppose the very best method for self defense, the constitutional right of all Americans to be armed (if they’re not felons are crazy) for self defense. Meanwhile, they ignore those already out there with ILLEGAL guns. (The Gun Feed)

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