Friday, October 12, 2018

He "Feared for His Life!"

The guy who shot and killed the man who pushed him to the ground while he was giving a woman a hard time for parking in a handicap zone and then turned to walk away, said he “feared for his life.” And how is that? How can a man threaten your life by walking away? Yes, he pushed you down. But that’s not something that should demand the death penalty. Of course, what doesn’t seem to be talked about is the fact that you threatened HIS life in the past, and he didn’t get a gun and shoot you. So just how is pushing you down and walking away threatening your life? I submit that you just wanted an excuse to kill this man, and hopefully to get away with it. Well, you have now killed him, and, so far, you’ve gotten away with it, due to a gullible sheriff. There is nothing “stand your ground” about this killing. You were humiliated by this man pushing you to the ground. He didn’t even bother to use his fist on you, which made it worse, in your mind. So you killed him. And you should be in prison for it, maybe suffering your own death penalty. This is an obvious abuse of the “stand your ground” law. The prosecutor didn’t agree that this was self defense, but only charged him with manslaughter instead of the at least second degree murder it was. (Liberty Headlines)

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