Thursday, April 2, 2020

Why Listen to Them?

The anti-gun fools prove their ignorance every time they open their blow-holes, so what does anybody with any intelligence at all listen to a word they say? The local MOMS Against Guns (or something like that) bunch , after Alabama advanced their “stand your ground law,” put out this statement: “The best way to keep people safe in houses of worship is to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them, not embolden people to shoot first and ask questions later,” said Dana Ellis, volunteer leader with the Alabama Chapter of Moms Demand Action. “Our state already has one of the most expansive Stand Your Ground laws in the country. This expansion is not just unnecessary, it’s dangerous.” Which, of course, ignores the efficiency with which a parishioner whon was armed dealt with a would-be mass killer in that Texas church and wished, I guess, that a bunch of parishioners to be killed, in the absence of “the equalizer” in the hands of a responsible “concealed carrier.” This is not logical. It is BEYOND not logical to wish people to be completely defenseless when it is possible to be able to defend yourself if the anti-gun fools would just let you. Licensed “concealed carriers,” as a rule, are NOT the ones to worry about. It is the UNLICENSED carriers like that Texas church shooter who IS. And if a licensed carrier is not present, he can kill at will with impunity. (Alabama Political Reporter)

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